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What Is Your Biggest Weakness? The Best Answer

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially when you hear the classic question: "What is your biggest weakness?" It's a question that can leave even the most prepared candidates stumbling. However, with the right approach, you can turn this tricky question into an opportunity to show your self-awareness, honesty, and commitment to self-improvement. Let's explore how to craft the perfect answer to this common interview question.

What Is Your Biggest Weakness? The Best Answer
What Is Your Biggest Weakness? The Best Answer

Understanding the Purpose

First, it's important to understand why interviewers ask this question. They aren't trying to trip you up or make you feel uncomfortable. Instead, they want to see a few key traits in you:

  1. Self-awareness: Do you know yourself well enough to identify areas for improvement?

  2. Honesty: Are you truthful about your weaknesses?

  3. Commitment to growth: Are you actively working to improve on your weaknesses?

With this in mind, your goal is to provide an answer that addresses these three points effectively.

Choosing the Right Weakness

The first step is to choose a weakness that is genuine but not detrimental to the job you're applying for. Here are some examples of common weaknesses that can be turned into strengths:

  1. Perfectionism: You may strive for perfection in every task, which can sometimes lead to taking longer to complete projects. However, this shows your commitment to high standards.

  2. Public Speaking: If you find public speaking challenging, it's a common fear. But highlighting your efforts to improve, such as taking courses or practicing in small groups, can show your dedication to overcoming it.

  3. Delegation: Some people find it hard to delegate tasks because they are used to doing everything themselves. This can be framed as a desire to ensure high-quality work and can show your trust in team members as you work to improve.

Structuring Your Answer

When answering the question, structure your response in a way that demonstrates your self-awareness, honesty, and commitment to improvement. Here’s a simple three-part formula you can follow:

  1. State the Weakness: Be clear and concise.

  2. Provide Context: Explain how this weakness has impacted you.

  3. Show Improvement: Highlight the steps you are taking to address and improve upon this weakness.

Sample Answers

Let's go through some sample answers using the three-part formula.

1. Perfectionism

One of my biggest weaknesses is perfectionism. I always have high standards for my work, which can sometimes lead to spending too much time on a task to make it perfect. For example, in my previous job, I spent extra hours refining reports even when they are already good. However, I’ve learned to balance my high standards with time management by setting specific deadlines for myself and focusing on the most important aspects of the task. This approach helps me maintain quality while being more efficient.

2. Public Speaking

Public speaking is always a challenge for me. I get very anxious when presenting in front of groups, which affects my confidence. Recognizing this, I decided to take action. I join a local Toastmasters club to practice public speaking in a supportive environment. Additionally, I volunteer to lead small meetings at work to gradually build my confidence. Over time, I notice significant improvement in my ability to speak in front of others, and I’m continuing to work on becoming even more comfortable with public speaking.

3. Delegation

I sometimes struggle with delegation because I’m used to handling tasks myself to ensure they meet my standards. This leads to taking on too much work at times. To address this, I’m working on trusting my team members more and understanding the importance of delegating tasks to ensure efficiency and team development. I start by gradually delegating smaller tasks and providing clear instructions, which helps me build confidence in my team’s abilities. This change not only reduces my workload but also empowers my colleagues.

Tailoring Your Answer

While these examples provide a good starting point, it’s crucial to tailor your answer to your personal experiences and the job you’re applying for. Here are a few tips to ensure your response is authentic and relevant:

  1. Reflect on Your Experiences: Think about specific instances where you face challenges related to your weaknesses and how you address them.

  2. Relate to the Job: Choose a weakness that is not a core requirement of the job. For instance, if the job requires a lot of public speaking, don’t choose public speaking as your weakness.

  3. Be Honest but Strategic: Be truthful about your weakness, but frame it in a way that shows your willingness to improve and learn.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice your answer until it feels natural. You don’t want to sound rehearsed, but you do want to be comfortable with your response. Here are some ways to practice:

  1. Mock Interviews: Practice with a friend or family member who can provide feedback.

  2. Record Yourself: Use your phone or computer to record your answer and play it back to identify areas for improvement.

  3. Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors who can offer constructive criticism.

The Do's and Don'ts

Here are some additional do's and don'ts to keep in mind when crafting your answer:


  • Be Honest: Authenticity is key. Choose a real weakness and be truthful about it.

  • Show Self-Awareness: Demonstrate that you understand how your weakness impacts your work.

  • Highlight Improvement: Focus on the steps you are taking to improve and any progress you’ve made.


  • Avoid Clichés: Steer clear of overused weaknesses like "I’m a perfectionist" unless you can provide a unique and genuine angle.

  • Don’t Choose a Critical Skill: Avoid mentioning a weakness that is crucial for the job you’re applying for.

  • Don’t Be Negative: Frame your weakness in a way that shows your commitment to growth rather than focusing solely on the negative aspect.


Answering "What is your biggest weakness?" can showcase your self-awareness and dedication to self-improvement. By choosing a genuine weakness, providing context, and highlighting your efforts to improve, you can leave a positive impression on your interviewer. Everyone has weaknesses; it’s how you address and overcome them that matters. 

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